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The benefits of daycare for our furry friends are numerous!

Supervised by our trained daycare attendants, your dogs will enjoy activities indoors and outdoors, weather permitting. We aim to keep your dog’s time with us, as fun as possible! Using activities such as: toys, movies, rest time, crafts & photos, bubbles, and lots of affection!

Reservations are required for daycare. We reserve the right to turn away any client without a reservation for daycare. Please use our online portal, call, or email to book!

NEW Client Evaluation

We require ALL clients wanting their dog to participate in group play at Prairie Dog to have their dog complete a daycare evaluation process. This process begins with a THREE-hour evaluation, where we can begin to assess your dog. Once your dog has completed their first daycare trial, our trained daycare attendants will determine whether your dog is comfortable enough with us, the other dogs, and our facility, to begin extending the length of time they come.

Please note, we require dog(s) to PASS a three-hour evaluation, half day evaluation, AND a full-day evaluation before standing reservations can be made or a package be purchased. The length of time that this trial process takes is dependent on each individual dog’s needs.

Dogs that have passed the trial process but later exhibit negative behavior changes or regress in their manners may be reevaluated at Prairie Dog’s discretion on a case by case basis.


Play Date


Less than 3 hours

1/2 Day


3-6 hours

Full Day


6+ hours

Prepaid Punchcard Packages

Daycare packages are non-transferable, non-refundable, and must be used within SIX months of purchase.

5 Days


10 Days


20 Days


30 Days


Other Information

A fitted, flat collar with a legible name tag is required for all daycare dogs. Please bring your dog in and out of the facility on a six-foot or shorter lead. Leashes, collars, and tags are available for sale, at the owner’s expense, if any of these items are forgotten.